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Elevate the church, your career, and your income at the same time.

As a LifeSigns Certified Consultant:

LifeSigns Certified Consultant

As a LifeSigns Business Partner:

LifeSigns Business Partner

LifeSigns Certified Consultants...

"Teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." – 2 Timothy 2:2

A LifeSigns Certification enables you to leverage your experience, gifts, and insights to help pastors and church leaders fulfill several biblical mandates:  to “know well the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds” (Proverbs 27:23), and to “equip people for works of service, so the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12).

Why become a Certified LifeSigns Consultant?

What's included in the Certification?

LifeSigns Certified Consultant
  • The Backstory:  You’ll learn about the origins and rapid evolution of LifeSigns – so you can help pastors and leaders focus their preaching and programs on the greatest needs for maximum impact.

  • The Biblical Foundation:  You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the Biblical principles that make LifeSigns powerful and effective – so your recommendations will be anchored in the authority of God’s Word, which carries infinitely more weight than your opinion alone.

  • The Nuts and Bolts:  You get a working knowledge of the methodology, research, and statistical validation of LifeSigns – so you can answer questions and increase client confidence in the rigor, accuracy, and validity of the results. 

  • The Facilitation Process:  We'll show you how to make the church-level LifeSigns results clear and relevant, and how to launch church leaders into ministry planning using our proprietary BEST Growth Map™.

What are the benefits of Certification?

  • Learn how scripture applies to organizational development, how to facilitate high-level strategy sessions, and how to work effectively with pastors, boards, and leaders.

  • Earn $$$ for every strategy session you facilitate.

  • Add to your resume with every church you help.

  • Experience the thrill of enabling and inspiring pastors to lead with courage and clarity.

Ready to explore a LifeSigns Certification?

LifeSigns Business Partners

"Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields."  – Matthew 9:38

Why become a LifeSigns Business Partner?

As a LifeSigns Business Partner, you can "make money by making a difference."™

LifeSigns changes lives.  It connects people with Christ in a "vertical conversation" and with others in a "horizontal conversation," so they can grow like never before.  For church leaders, it reveals the condition of the flock and helps to focus preaching and programs for maximum impact.

Whether you’d like to supplement your income, or make a full-blown career out of it, this is one of those wonderful situations where making money and doing ministry are in perfect alignment.

LifeSigns Business Partner

How will we help you succeed? 

You bring a lifetime of experience and leadership to the table.  In a similar way, we can help you to leverage your gifts and abilities to share LifeSigns with churches, ministries, and Christian schools – and make generous commissions along the way.  

Specifically, as a LifeSigns Business Partner, you’ll have the opportunity for coaching and guidance:  


  • Lead Generation:  to help you build your pipeline of potential clients, using our CRM software

  • Gaining Entry:  to help you get meetings with pastors and leaders, including sample prospecting scripts that sound natural 

  • Consultative Selling:  to help you dig deeper than "felt needs," to understand the challenges and obstacles to church growth, as well as the big picture goals of the ministry

  • Presentation Skills:  to help you link LifeSigns solutions to a client’s vision, values, and mission

  • Negotiation Skills:  to help you make a rock-solid business case for how LifeSigns will rapidly pay for itself by increasing giving and serving (in weeks, not years)

We’ll also provide you with extensive marketing support, so you can spend your time building relationships, not wrestling with Power Point presentations and spreadsheets.

Interested in becoming a LifeSigns Business Partner?

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